Community Development Impact September 2023

Incorporated as a nonprofit in 2022, the mission of Just Us of Washington County is to
“provide support and guidance to Black, Indigenous, People of Color populations, as well as,
LGBTQ+ individuals and families. We seek to help navigate and supply guidance for everyday
experiences and challenges faced within Washington County, Wisconsin.” After reading about
this organization in the local newspaper, Paul reached out to determine if there were any
organizational development resources the organization could benefit from.

As a result of this contact, Paul met with the board leadership who identified developing a
vision statement and identifying goals would be beneficial. To achieve these objectives, Paul
first engaged the organization’s membership with an online survey to solicit feedback on the
development of a vision statement. Then, Paul facilitated two strategic planning sessions
attended by three out of four board members. The planning process included creating a vision
statement, identifying and prioritizing goals, and developing actions steps to ensure their

From evaluation (N=3), 100% of participants agreed that developing a vision statement
assisted them in understanding the general direction for our organization’s future, the
process of identifying and prioritizing goals increased their ability to identify issues and set
priorities, and discussing action plans increased their ability to identify next steps for future
implementation. Participants evaluated Paul’s facilitation as a 5.0 on a 5-point Likert Scale
(1=poor and 5=excellent). One participant commented “thank you for all of your help. It’s
really helped us narrow our focus.”

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