Community Development Impact February 2023

The Executive Director of Senior Citizen Activities, Inc. contacted Paul to provide board
development training and facilitate a strategic planning process that would engage the
organization’s board of directors and staff. Paul met with the board president and executive
director to discuss the needs of the organization and then surveyed thirteen board and staff
members to request their input in the development of preferred mission, vision, and value
statements. Then, he facilitated three strategic planning sessions.

At the first session, eleven participants learned about board roles and responsibilities and
developed draft vision and mission statements. At the second session, participants identified
organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges; finalized mission and vision
statements; identified values and goals; and developed the next steps. At the third session,
participants created definitions for value statements, developed a board member commitment
agreement, and discussed board recruitment strategies.

Through evaluation (N=11), 90% of participants agreed that discussing a vision statement
assisted them in understanding the general direction for their organization’s future, 100% agreed
discussing a mission statement helped clarify their role as an organization, 100% agreed that
discussing core values assisted them in clarifying the guiding principles for our organization’s
culture, and 90% agreed that identifying and prioritizing goals increased their ability to identify
issues and set priorities. Participants evaluated Paul’s facilitation as a 4.9 on a 5-point Likert Scale
(1=poor and 5=excellent).

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