Positive Youth Development December 2022

• A series of presentations to incarcerated youth at the Washington County Detention Center, in which teens will learn about problem-solving strategies, focusing on problem solving, consensus building, and developing resources to achieve positive goals upon release from detention. The purpose of this effort is improve social-emotional learning, goal setting and seeing positive adults as resource to assist in their future success.

• Planning for a West Bend School Dist. (McClane and Jackson schools) Family Engagement Night in collaboration with Washington County Elementary School Counselors. The effort will engage youth in Social Emotional Learning strategies that they will use throughout the year with teamwork being a central theme at schools.

• A series of meetings with Germantown’s Youth Futures Youth Committee where students learn leadership skills in order to design, plan and deliver prevention activities to their middle and high school peers.

• A monthly board meeting (“Germantown Youth Futures”) for Germantown key stakeholders where we collaboratively plan year-round positive youth activities that promote positive peer norms, AOD prevention messaging, and adult/youth connections.

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