Building & Maintaining Credit

graphic illustration of clipboard with credit card in upper left hand corner and person in lower right hand coner

Extension has great tools to help build and maintain your credit and manage your credit score. Many people use the terms “credit report” and “credit score” interchangeably, but they are not the same. Your credit report is a detailed account of your credit history, while your credit score is a three-digit number showing your creditworthiness. Extension also provides tips and tools to monitor your credit report for errors, fraud, and identity theft. The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows individuals to receive a Free Credit Report, from each credit bureau, every 12 months at the individual’s request. Set reminders to check your credit report FREE up to three times each year!

Money Matters Live

Cartoon image of person with hands out to side with dollar symbol in one hand and percent symbol on the other hand.

To learn more about the Extension’s Free Credit Report Campaign and additional credit resources, please contact Washington County Extension at  262-335-4477.

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