Washington County 4-H Open House is September 17

Come join us at our September 17th 4-H Open House, and learn about the 4-H program in Washington County for youth ages 5 to 19, and adult volunteers of all ages. All are welcome! Come and meet our 4-H youth leaders and adult volunteers!

At the 4-H Open House, you can

  • Find lots of information on the Washington County 4-H Program
  • Meet Club & Project Leaders
  • Learn about 4-H camp & trips
  • Watch Archery Project Demonstrations
  • Talk with 4-H members
  • See what 4-H is all about
  • Enroll your children in Washington County 4-H

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Come anytime between 5:30 — 7:30pm
Washington County Fair Park
Small Animal Barn
3000 County Hwy PV
West Bend, WI 53095

***Current families are welcome to come to the Open House and re-enroll in 4HOnline for the 2024-2025 4-H year. We will have laptops available, and 4-H leaders will be on hand if you have any questions.

¡Invitación publica de puerta abierta de 4-H! Martes, el 17 de Septiembre desde las 5:30pm hasta las 7:30pm, establo de animales pequeños Ubicado en el Washington County Fair Park, 3000 County Hwy PV, West Bend, WI 53095
¿Está interesada(o) en aprender deportes de tiro, la fotografía, conejos, la robótica, la decoración de pasteles, y más? Inscríbase este año como miembro de 4-H del condado de Washington! Todos los jóvenes del condado de Washington desde kínder a 13 grado son invitados a unirse a 4-H.

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