Washington County 4-H

children sitting on a bench outside, wearing clothing with 4-H logos

Welcome! We’re glad you’re here!

When you join 4-H, you’re a part of something big! 4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization, with more than six million members and over 90,000 clubs.

4-H involves youth in project-based education. Through project learning, youth can explore their interests (“sparks”) and master new skills. 4-H projects are meant to be hands on to create a memorable learning experience. Since 4-H started in the early 1900s, youth have learned by doing. This hands-on process allows youth to understand not only how to do something but also why they are doing it.

4-H Clubs are the foundation of the Washington County 4-H program. A 4-H Club is made up of five or more youth guided by adult volunteer leaders or University of Wisconsin Extension 4-H Educators. Learn more:

Washington County 4-H publications

Helpful 4-H website pages

Contact the Washington County 4-H Office

Ron Jakubisin

Ron Jakubisin

4-H Program Coordinator

Please contact Ron for help with:

  • 4-H Programming
  • Volunteering in 4-H
  • Youth & adult leadership

Karen Girard

Washington County Admin Assistant

Please contact Karen for help with:

  • 4-H Online
  • General 4-H information
  • 4-H communications
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