Washington County 4-H “End of Year Reflection” Award Opportunities for 2023-2024

CLUB LEADERS: You will be responsible for collecting and submitting your club members’ “End of Year Reflections” to the Extension Office by September 1, 2024. Please fill out the Club End of Year Reflection list 2023-2024 and turn in with your club’s submissions to the Extension Office.

Message from the 4-H Leaders Association Achievement & Recognition Committee to Washington County 4-H club members:

Washington County 4-H would like you to have the opportunity to record and reflect on your past 4-H year of achievements. We have THREE opportunities this year for club members to show what they achieved:

  • End of Year Summary Selection
  • Let’s Be Creative (Video, Slideshow or Creative Way)
  • Traditional 4-H Record Book

We hope to see your achievements of the past year! By submitting one of these three opportunities you will be considered for an End of Year Reflection Certificate at our annual Achievement and Recognition Program. Cloverbuds are welcome to participate in this process also. See below for details about these opportunities.

Please feel free to contact the Achievement Committee if you have any questions:

  • Agnes Wagner, 414-881-3919

End of Year Summary Selection

Using the forms below, complete:

  1. Introduction page
  2. Activity page
  3. Project Record Summary
  4. 4-H Story page.

Your completed Summary Selection will need to be turned in to your Club Leader.

Let’s Be Creative!

 Share your 4-H experiences for the year in a video (see tip sheet), slideshow, or a different format of your choice.  Think about what you felt, learned and experienced in your 4-H year. Send your electronic submissions to your Club Leader.

Complete a Traditional Washington County 4-H Record Book

If you want to apply and be considered for a Project or Career Award, you are required to complete an official Washington County 4-H Record Book in accordance with Washington County Record Book Guidelines.  Guidelines and current project sheets can be found further down this page A project award application form must be completed and submitted with your record book indicating which  projects you want to be considered for. A career award application must be completed and submitted for any career awards you want to be considered for.  These Washington County 4-H Record Books will also need to be turned in to your Club Leader.


Download the Cloverbud Record Book and fill in your information.

Additional information:

  • All End of Year Reflection entries must be submitted to your Club Leader who will select a due date in August.
  • Your Club Leader will record all entries from the club and bring them to the 4-H Office by September 1st.
  • Please submit any electronic entries to your Club Leader.
  • While your reflection is not due until fall, we recommend you start documenting and reflecting now.  Keep a file to make your entry easier in fall.
  • All members will receive an achievement certificate for their End of Year Reflection.
  • You will be considered for a project award if you complete a project award application and completed record book
  • Record book must be completed according to Record Book guidelines

Please feel free to contact the Achievement Committee if you have any questions: Agnes Wagner, 414-881-3919

Click below to find individual Record Book pages

Record Book Pages

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