4-H Impact May 2023

  • Guidance and support for volunteers within the 4-H Horse and Pony Project as they engage in the Charter process to obtain Club status as outlined in the policies and procedures of WI 4-H. Through this work, volunteers become informed of submission process of Charter application as well as review and updating of by-laws, handbook, etc. in order to achieve Club status by meeting the qualification for a quality WI 4-H Club.
  • Collaborative summer camp planning and training sessions for adult volunteers and high school camp counselors to engage in team-building activities learned about the essential learning elements, and develop camp activities in order to be prepared to hold our June 2022 4-H Summer Camp successfully.
  • Monthly club visits to different 4-H clubs/projectsthat strengthen the relationship between 4-H Educator and Club/Project volunteers and youth in order to sustain and grow Wash. Co. 4-H clubs/projects within the mission, policies and guidelines of Wisconsin 4-H. (Ron Jakubisin)
  • A series of meetings with Germantown’s Youth Futures Youth Committee where students learn leadership skills in order to design, plan and deliver prevention activities to their middle and high school peers.
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