Village of Kewaskum

The administrator for the Village of Kewaskum contacted Paul to facilitate a process that would
engage the village’s board and staff in the development of a strategic plan. After meeting to
discuss the needs of the organization, a process was designed and presented to the Village Board.
Through discussion, the Board opted to include a community visioning session to help inform
the strategic planning process. Paul facilitated the public visioning process in August. Then, he
facilitated two planning sessions with the organization’s board and leadership staff.

At the first session, seven staff members reviewed the visioning session results; developed draft
mission and vision statements; identified organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and challenges; and brainstormed goals. At the second session, seven board members and staff
finalized the mission and vision statements, identified values, and refined the goals identified by
staff. Then Paul met with administrator to develop definitions for the values and identified next
steps for plan implementation.

Through evaluation (N=14), 92% of participants agreed that discussing a vision statement assisted
them in understanding the general direction for their organization’s future, 92% agreed discussing
a mission statement helped clarify their role as an organization, and 100% agreed that identifying
and prioritizing goals increased their ability to identify issues and set priorities. Participants
evaluated Paul’s facilitation as a 4.7 on a 5-point Likert Scale (1=poor and 5=excellent). One
participant commented “Difficult crowd. Worked well.” Another commented “Very good. Was not
boring.” A third commented “Paul is great at facilitating these exercises.”

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